Monday, September 27, 2010

13 Weeks

So...Baby Foster is 3 inches long!  Baby Center compares the size to a shrimp, but I feel like that is a step backwards in comparison to last week's lime.  AND he/she only weight ONE OUNCE!!  That is so tiny and fragile!
I have to wear the B-band or bellaband with jeans now.  Haven't quite figured out how to make that work.  It seems all my sititng on the ground and moving around at school gets the thing all fouled up.
I am faithful to my 25 minute 5:30am walks with Dixie, but FitPregnancy Magazine says that I need to be walking for 40 minutes 6 days a week.  Better get it in gear!
My appetite is returning a little, but only for the foods that aren't so baby-building friendly.  Go figure!
Off to cook dinner!  And hopefully enjoy a nice walk in this fall weather with my hubby!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

12 Weeks

So, the first trimester is almost over! One more week and I will be in phase two! I have told my principal at school and my kiddo's. The kids were SO excited! They all think that I should name Baby Foster after them...ha! They are also super protective of me now; "Don't pick that up!" "Don't bend like that!" And when the go to hug me they leave an invisible barrier so the don't squish the baby! And they ALL want me to bring the baby up to school! Uh, hello germs...I don't think so!

The growing baby is the size of a lime! And this week's big accomplishments are reflex development, functioning kidneys, growing intestines, and synapses forming in the brain!! It it all just so incredible amazing!

I am feeling pretty good these days! No more morning sickness, but not a huge appetite either. I am tired, but no more tired than any other hard-working teacher I know! I am not showing, but I think that is due to the appetite/morning sickness problem! I'm sure that will all change very quickly!

No names or baby shopping, but I did buy a BellaBand for when my pants get too tight! Oh, and I had to get a bigger boulder holder!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cameron and I are adding another branch to the family tree! We expect to welcome our first Foster Kid into the world on April 3! That makes me 11 weeks along, but who's counting! I have felt like I've been living a double life ever since I got the 2 pink lines on the pregnancy test! I had a doctor's appointment today and got to hear the heartbeat again! So amazing! She gave me the O.K. to tell I am! Besides a little morning sickness and a loss of appetite I feel great! At my next appointment on October 21 we get to find out if we should shop for PINK or BLUE!! We welcome any prayers for a healthy baby! We feel so blessed and send our prayers of thanks up to Him daily!