Monday, November 29, 2010


22 weeks and counting!  Baby Boy officially looks like a miniature newborn and not like an alien!  His lips, eyebrows and eyelids are becoming more distinct.  His eyes have formed, but the colored part hasn't been decided yet.  He looks a bit least until he fills out a bit.  He is about 11 inches long, or the length of a spaghetti squash!

So, about the pox, chicken that is.  There have been two confirmed cases at my school.  I had a pretty bad case when I was 6, but I still have to go in for blood testing tomorrow.  They are checking my immunity level.  The reason I have to go in is that in both cases both kids actually had the vaccine prior to getting the virus.  And one of the kids had the vaccine AND already had the chicken pox.  My school nurse is concerned that this might be some super strong strain of the virus, and better safe than sorry.  I'm sure it's fine, and I'm not even sure what they can do if my immunity level isn't fine, but I guess I'll know more tomorrow!   

Sunday, November 21, 2010

21 Weeks

Well, this weekend was...eventful!  I began my relaxing weekend with severe abdominal cramps around 3am.  By 5am I had non-stop vomiting.  I couldn't even keep water down!  The on-call OB told me to go to the ER because of possible dehydration, but we decided to wait it out.  Pretty sure it was food poisoning.  I was feeling a little better around 1pm, so Cameron and I decided to meet his parents to shop for baby furniture after all.  We ended up ordering our crib and mattress!  And the best part...Baby Boy Foster's  super generous grandparents gifted it to us!  We are so lucky!  By the end of the shopping trip I had to visit restroom to relieve myself of my most recent glass of water.  That was the last straw.  We went to the ER.  The overall experience was not too bad!  I was expecting a room full of bleeding people and hours of waiting.  But we were in a room within 15 minutes.  They drew some blood and gave me some IV meds to stop the nausea and vomiting.  Then they moved me to another room and hooked me up to some fluids.  The blood results showed dehydration, but no other complications!  I got to go home after my bag of fluids was empty!  I pretty much feel like I was hit by a mac truck.  I have been extremely tired all day and NO appetite.  I think I'll take it easy on the solid foods!
Now for baby news!  At our 20 week anatomy scan last Thursday the ultrasound tech told us that Baby Boy was .8lbs!  All of his organs look good!  It is always so amazing to see him swimming around in my tummy!  This week his eyelids and eyebrows are forming and he is 10 1/2 inches long.  About the length of a carrot!  I expect to feel him kick sometime in the next two weeks!  So exciting!
I hope to stay far away from the hospital until Baby Boy makes his entrance in early April!    

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Exciting Week!

I can't believe that this adventure of carrying Baby Boy Foster is HALF way over!  That's right...I'm 20 weeks.  We are closer to having a baby than not.  Does that make sense?  He is the length of a banana (already on his way to being our Little Monkey) and weighs a whopping 10.5ozs.  He is busy practicing swallowing to prepare his little digestive system for when he enters the world.  Side note: I give my kiddos at school weekly updates on Baby Boy's development, which they LOVE!  Last week I told them that he can hear now, so my kids are convinced that he will be uber smart because of all the teaching and reading he will hear for these last 4 months!  And they are constantly talking to him.  I totally use this to my advantage because they are very cautious about making too much noise because they don't want to hurt his ears!  Tomorrow will be a very exciting day because we have our Anatomy Scan at the OBGYN.  Mainly we get to see him again and hear his heartbeat, which is so reassuring.  They will be taking measurements of all the major organs to check up on his growth.  VERY much looking forward to that!  More tomorrow after the appointment!  Oh, I haven't felt him kick or anything, but I expect to within the next two weeks...hopefully! 

Monday, November 8, 2010

19 weeks

WOW!  Baby Boy Foster (no we still don't have a name) is the size of an heirloom tomato!  He weighs 8.5oz and is 6in from crown to rump!  This week is really cool because all of his sensory development is exploding!  His brain is designating special areas for taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing!  He can actually start hearing this week!  Which means we are supposed to talk, read, and even sing to him!  I will also be playing him some classical music.  Next week we have our big anatomy scan where they take measurements of all of his major organs and what not!