Thursday, March 17, 2011

37 Weeks...that's full term!

Hey!  Spring Break is AWESOME!!  I love being able to run errands and rest!  And when I go back, I only have two weeks...and a new student.  Strange, I know.  I had a doctor's appointment today!  Heartbeat sounds great and I'm measuring fine, but they are concerned with my elevated blood pressure.  They took a bunch of blood today and I have to do a 24 hour urine collection starting Sunday AM at 6.  They are looking for elevated levels of protein which might point to preeclampsia.  The doctor didn't really say what would happen if that were the case, but what little research I've done points to getting the baby out.  Which isn't a big deal considering the fact that he is actually 'full-term'.  In the meantime I'm drinking lots of water and resting.   

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