Monday, May 16, 2011

I did it again!

I seem to have gone quite awhile without a post...AGAIN!  So the doctor's visit was uneventful.  Not sure to be happy or sad about that!  There aren't any problems with Dax, he is just fussy, and there isn't much I can do about it!  Of course I'm happy that he doesn't have any major conditions, but having a 'fix' would have been great!
Last Thursday we visited Auntie Kim and she let us borrow the neatest swing!  This swing allowed our little family to have a really great weekend!  Which all came crashing down yesterday afternoon...
Dax loved this swing (for about 2 days)!  They were the BEST two days we have had!  Not only did he take monster naps in it, but he would just be content swinging (awake and NOT crying!!)
Saturday afternoon we attended our first kiddo birthday party.  I had major anxiety about going.  Not only because Dax is so young and kids have so many germs, but I had no idea how he would handle it.  I ended up wearing Dax in his Lucky Baby sling and he was a jewel!  He loved the roar of the party and slept in the sling for an hour and a half!  Once again, making Cameron and I look like liars when we tell stories of his screaming fits!  But, I'll take a tarnished rep in exchange for a few hours of a happy baby!  Sunday we 'helped' Daddy add on to our amazing fish pond!  This required a trip to Nelson's and Lowe's both of which he was fantastic for!  I obviously pushed his limits by attempting to take him to the grocery store next.  He went nuclear in the parking lot, so we headed home.  And that is where the honeymoon ended.  The rest of our afternoon and evening was full of trying to sooth an un-soothable baby.  The night wasn't much better.  And now he has a serious case of the Monday's.  Looks like I won't be going to the grocery store today either...
Pittenger Birthday Party Saturday afternoon
Cameron's weekend project!  The bubbly fountain area is the new part!  He is so handy!

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