Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Let me start out by saying..."Thank the Lord that Winter Break is here!"  Now on to important updates.  So sorry for not posting for such a long time!  The Holidays are crazy!  I thought about putting together a separate photo story for each event...but I just don't have enough pictures for that!  So I am going to do ONE big photo story for all of our holiday festivities and post it after the New Year!  I have been asked to see belly shots, so I have posted my monthly tummy shots!  As for Baby Boy...we DO have a name, and I will reveal it Thursday (we need to tell the parental units first).  I am currently 25 weeks along.  Baby Boy is about 13 1/2 inches long, weighs about a pound and a half, and is the size of a rutabaga!   He is exchanging his long, lean figure for some baby fat!!  He is also getting rid of that wrinkly skin and looking more like a newborn!  As for me, I feel great!  I have already started swelling in my feet, so when I'm at school I try to sit more and put my feet up!  The kids are really understanding and helpful.  At my 28 week appointment they will check me for gestational diabetes.  And as for preparing for Baby Boy, we have moved an armoire from our guest room down to the nursery.  Cameron bought the most awesome zebra print dresser that we are going to use as a changing station.  And we have had TONS of generous help from the grandparents to be.  They took care of our super fancy glider chair and ottoman, and our crib!  We still have to decide on bedding and a rug.  I can't wait for all my furniture to arrive!  Today Cameron and I are meeting with our dear friend, Sara to discuss the details of our Couples Baby Shower!  She is kind enough to throw it for us towards the end of January! 

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